by Pastor Lemuel Niere 

“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God,
even to them that believe on his name” John 1:12


Don’t you know that you’ve been given so much in Jesus Christ? You have no legitimate reason for failing to be an awesome success in life, because you have so much going for you! In fact, you have much more going for you than you could possibly imagine. Let me encourage you with just a few of the things you’ve been given in Jesus Christ!

The verse reveals that you received divine power the day you became a child of God. The word “power" is the Greek word exousia. It describes delegated authority or influence. The day you chose to make Jesus your Lord and Savior is the day He delegated to you the power and authority to become a child of God. All the power, authority, and divine influence that is within the mighty name of Jesus Christ came to live on inside of you!

So rather than complain that you’re weak and nothing special, it’s time to start laying claim to what is stored up inside you. The same explosive, dynamic, phenomenal authority and power that resides in Jesus has now been delegated to reside in you.

Look how much you’ve been given in Jesus Christ. Salvation. Sonship. Don’t you think it’s time to stop moaning about how dumb, stupid, ugly, or untalented you “feel” compared to others? Those “feelings” are all lies. Some of that may have been true before you accepted Jesus, but none of it is true of you now that you are in Christ. God turned you into something spectacular! That’s who you are now. So lay claim to your new identity. Adjust your thinking and talking to reflect who you really are!

Whatever problem or trial you encounter, don’t let it dampen or weaken your confidence that you are special to God. And that He will see you through whatever assails you—because you are His beloved.

Let your prayer be:

Lord, forgive me for being so negative and for talking so badly about myself after You have given me so much!
I have no excuse for accepting defeat or low self-esteem as a way of life, because You have made me totally new!
Renew my mind and strengthen me, Your child. I affirm the truth about who I am in Christ.
I pray this in Jesus’ name!